Novato, California 94947
Generate Additional B2B Revenue
All Leads Match ICP
1 - 4 New Clients Monthly
(In 12 Months or Less)
with our ClientCentric LeadSculptor Method
Harness AI-Powered Cold Email Outreach for Growth. No More Cold-Calls, Paid Ads, or Endless Social Media Hustles
Note: To eliminate businesses that we can't help, please DO NOT book a call unless ONE of the following applies:
1. Your business does at least $30K MRR
2. You are willing to expand your marketing and test the newest strategies available in the market
Our Process
Our Case Studies
Frequently Asked Questions
How soon can I get started?
The onboarding process takes place over a single 30-minute call. We'll learn about your offer, acquire the necessary links to the appropriate calendars, and get started crafting the email outreach. Setting up the campaign and warming up the email addresses require 14 days. Then, we will launch the first campaign and begin working towards achieving the promised result within the targeted time frame.
How am I charged for leads/meetings?
A one-time setup fee will be billed at the successful completion of the Onboarding call. Qualified sales calls/meetings will be defined as those that meet our agreed-upon ideal customer characteristics (ICP) and show up for the scheduled call/meeting. The cost per qualified call/meeting will vary.
What tools do you use to generate qualified calls for us?
After spending over $10K on coaching and apprenticeship, we have gotten the tech down to an optimized stack that allows us to generate high-quality leads on demand while keeping the overhead low (we cover the costs of the software for each client, which benefits everyone). Typically, most campaigns will leverage Apollo, Findymail, ChatGPT, and Instantly (plus other software tools).
Do you integrate with our CRM/pipeline software?
100%. We can connect incoming leads to ANY software that your sales team is using to manage their leads. Pipedrive, Soho, Salesforce,, Odoo ERP, and GoHighLevel to name a few. Qualified calls/meetings are scheduled for sales team members.
Why should you work with us?